Forms for the Herington swim team will be sent home with elementary students. If anyone else is interested, please see the office.
10 months ago, Trevor Siebert
Mrs. McMichael has created a Facebook page for parents and students to follow for scholarship information/deadlines, possible job opportunities, upcoming activities, etc. It is called, Mrs. McMichael’s Counseling Page. Please give it a follow if you want!”-- Larry D. Geist, EdD
10 months ago, Larry Geist
“If you have a sophomore or junior student, there will be two Butler college representatives who are coming to the school on Monday - 4/8 - to speak to them about taking Butler classes in the fall. There are MANY options for courses to take while in high school and there’s scholarships available to help cover some costs and discounted prices for courses. If this is something your student might be interested in, let them know they need to speak to the representatives! They will need to know their social security numbers for this. Please let Mrs. McMichael know if you have any questions!”
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Centre USD #397 is blessed with some of the best paraprofessionals in the business. Thank you for your dedication to our students! You are greatly appreciated!
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Preschool Visit Day 2024
10 months ago, Sheri Stahlecker
Preschool Visit Day 2024
Kindergarten Roundup 2024
10 months ago, Sheri Stahlecker
Kindergarten Roundup 2024
April 2024 BOE Agenda
10 months ago, Marianne Kohman
April 2024 BOE Agenda
April 2024 BOE Agenda
Events for this Week
10 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
USD #397 Centre is taking applications for the following coaching positions: Head HS 8-Man Football Coach Assistant HS Volleyball Coach If interested please contact Tim Vinduska at or Kelly Steiner at Applications can be found on the Centre USD 397 website or from the central office. Centre USD #397 is an EOE.
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Thank you, Tristen Cope and Erin Hein, for bringing this opportunity to our kids! Today was Safety Day at Centre for students Pre-K through 5th grade! Students learned ways to stay safe through attending a variety of sessions throughout the day. The safety topics they learned about were: Fire Safety Farm/Animal Safety Water/Pool Safety Stranger Danger/Internet Safety Storms/Preparedness Railroad Safety Bike Safety Calling 911 It was a great day filled with a lot of learning and fun! This day would not have been possible without the number of agencies/individuals that partnered with us for this event! (Marion County Safe Kids, Marion County K-State Research & Extension, Marion County Sheriff's Office, Lincolnville Fire Department, Lost Springs Fire Department, Hillsboro Fire Department, Florence Fire Department, Marion Fire Department, Cara Duell (Hillsboro Family Aquatics Center), Marion County Emergency Management, Bill Fitzgerald (retired railroad), & Marion County Health Department)
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Safe Schools
Olivia Carlson competes in the 1st dive meet of the season at Maize against 19 divers. Olivia placed 1st and is a state qualifier!
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Fort Scott Aggie Day Results 🐜🍃 Today FFA members competed in various CDE’s & LDE’s at the Fort Scott Community College Aggie Days. This was a multi-state competition, and our members were exceptional! Results are as follows: Speech Contest Sophomore - Addison Bina - 5th place Junior - Jimena Sanchez Gomez - 4th place Entomology - 1st team overall!! 🏆 Karsen Kroupa - 4th place Leah Brunner - 13th place individual tie Addison Bina - 13th place individual tie Hayley Whiteley - 17th place Allie Stuchlik Kathrine Whitson Lily Hauck Ellis Smith Ryleigh Jones Daniel Moenning Robert Spohn Floriculture: Emilee Remmers - 8th place Leah Brunner Allie Stuchlik Ellis Smith Addison Bina Jenaya Plett Mariah Brasch Food Science - 3rd place as a team! 🥉 Isabel Rziha - 1st place!! Allie Stuchlik Kathrine Whitson Jenaya Plett Mariah Brasch Jimena Sanchez Gomez Robert Spohn Nursery Landscape - 3rd as a team! 🥉 Karsen Kroupa - 1st place!! Emilee Remmers - 10th place Isabel Rziha Vet Science: Lily Hauck Ryleigh Jones Leah Brunner Mariah Brasch Kathrine Whitson Livestock Judging: Sam Foster Kaden Hutchinson Blaise Kitzmiller
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Leah Brunner swims to a 3rd place finish in the breaststroke, competing against swimmers from Bishop Carroll, Andover, Buhler, El Dorado, and Rose Hill in the first swim meet of the season at the Marion Invitational Swim Meet Thursday, March 21st.
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Easter Activities at the Herington Library!
10 months ago, Larry Geist
P-5 Parents, Centre will be hosting a school safety day this coming Friday for our students in grades P-5. This will be a day-long event that will feature numerous sessions on such areas as fire safety, railroad safety, farm safety, how and when to call 911, and several other subjects. Atmos Energy is cooking hot dogs for the students for lunch and knowing it is Lent, I want to make sure that is okay with our parents who practice fasting during lent if they go ahead with the hot dog for lunch. Please let me know if you DO NOT want your child to eat the hot dog and we will have a non-meat option for them. You can email me at and let me know. Thank you.
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Class and individual spring pictures are next Tuesday, March 26th. We will begin taking photos at 8:20 AM. Picture order forms were sent home with students before spring break, one for individual photos and one for class photos. Complete order forms and payment must be turned in to your student's teacher on picture day. If you did not see an order form, please check with your student, as they were handed out. Please make sure that you have your backgrounds picked on the form or you will get the standard blue background.
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Today is the final day to order from our Spring Store!
10 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Beginning today, March 18th, Cougar Cubs Daycare's new operating hours will be from 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM to help accommodate any parents working out of town and having a hard time picking their children up at 5. Please pass the word to anyone you may think is interested in the new hours of operation. If you have any questions, please contact Janine Foth at 785-983-4333.
10 months ago, Larry Geist
There is a menu change for lunch on Tuesday, March 19th. The menu will now be hamburger on a bun, chips, baked beans, and a fruit.
10 months ago, Larry Geist
Special Board Meeting, March 19,. 2024
10 months ago, Marianne Kohman
Special Board Meeting, April 19,. 2024