Spring school picture packets are being sent home with your students. Individual picture packets were sent home yesterday. Class photo forms will be sent home the first of next week. Please check your student backpacks or ask your older students for both of the forms, as they are different. Forms need to be filled in their entirety with payment included.
1 day ago, Trevor Siebert
March 10, BOE Agenda
3 days ago, Marianne Kohman
March 10, BOE Agenda
March 10, BOE Agenda
The FFA work auction that is scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, will be postponed to a later date in March. More information will be sent out when details are finalized.
5 days ago, Trevor Siebert
Here is the final scores for HS Basketball this last week! Thanks to Olivia Carlson and Bethany Carlson for all the photos throughout the season!
8 days ago, Timothy Vinduska
Here is the Baseball/Softball schedule for this coming spring. Practices start on Monday, March 3rd for both baseball and softball.
9 days ago, Kelly Steiner
Now is the perfect time to start letting your community know about the opportunity to serve as a school board member.
9 days ago, Marianne Kohman
Our guide will help potential board members know if running for school board is right for them.
Hello Everyone! Just wanted to invite your family to a BLOCKFEST with Marion County Parents as Teachers! We will be at the Hillsboro City Building on Friday evening and Saturday morning for families to enjoy building and playing together! Please sign up for one of these time slots by contacting Becky Suderman at (620) 947-4343 or becky.suderman@usd410.net. We look forward to seeing you there!
10 days ago, Melissa Barton
Hello Everyone!  Just wanted to invite your family to a BLOCKFEST with Marion County Parents as Teachers!  We will be at the Hillsboro City Building on Friday evening and Saturday morning for families to enjoy building and playing together!      Please sign up for one of these time slots by contacting Becky Suderman at (620) 947-4343 or becky.suderman@usd410.net.      We look forward to seeing you there!
Amy Harms 8:53 AM (0 minutes ago) to me ANNA GODINEZ VINDUSKA is STATE BOUND!!! After auditioning, making, and performing her flute in the KMEA District Band, Anna auditioned and made it to the KMEA STATE 1234ABAND! This is a HUGE accomplishment. Only one other student from our league made it this year into this band. The band will perform at 3pm on Saturday March 1st at the Century II Convention Center in Wichita. If you'd like to watch the KMEA 1234A Band perform, tickets can be purchased here: https://selectaseat.com/kmea
11 days ago, Larry Geist
Special Meeting, Wednesday, February 26-7:00 PM-Library
12 days ago, Marianne Kohman
Special Meeting, Wednesday, February 26-7:00 PM-Library
The girls sub-state basketball game will be broadcast tonight using the link below. https://www.youtube.com/@thunderridgeschools9567
12 days ago, Kelly Steiner
Here are this weeks activities.
13 days ago, Kelly Steiner
To All the May Concern: The new date for the Centre 3rd - 5th Grade trip to the Eisenhower Center has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 13.
15 days ago, Larry Geist
Because of the Centre High School sub-state basketball game being scheduled for next Monday, February 24th, the decision has been made to move Parent/Teacher Conferences to Monday, March 3rd from 4-7 PM.
15 days ago, Larry Geist
On Saturday, the high school Scholars Bowl team competed at the State meet hosted by Elyria Christian. They were able to make it out of pool play, and ended up placing 5th out of 12 teams. Congratulations to the team and their coaches on a great season!
16 days ago, Trevor Siebert
Scholar's Bowl
Here is the revised schedule for Junior High Quiz Bowl.
16 days ago, Trevor Siebert
Quiz Bowl
The high school basketball games that were scheduled for Thursday, February 20th have been cancelled. This is due to Hartford not having school.
17 days ago, Kelly Steiner
Due to extreme cold overnight, Centre Schools will have a two-hour delay Thursday, February 20th. Classes will start at 10:15. Please stay safe and warm.
17 days ago, Larry Geist
Our boys will play against Linn in the first round of sub-state on Tuesday, February 25. The game will be played at Linn and starts at 7pm.
17 days ago, Kelly Steiner
Substate brackets have been released for high school basketball. Our girls will play against Thunder Ridge which is in Kensington on Monday, February 24th with a start time of 6:00pm. The bracket says 7 but the start time has been moved to 6 because of the long drive time.
17 days ago, Kelly Steiner
Because of extreme wind chills and many of our roads drifting already, Centre will not have school again Wednesday, February 19th. Please stay safe and warm.
18 days ago, Larry Geist