Congratulations to Kaitlynn Bina on breaking a 12-year-old Wheat State League record in the 3200 today. She broke the old record by 13 seconds. Congratulations Kaitlynn!!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Elementary field day and record breaking day will take place this Friday, May 10. Record Breaking is for the fourth and fifth grades and will begin at 12:30. Field day is Pre-K through third grade and will begin at 1:00.
9 months ago, Kelly Steiner
We had the pleasure of attending a very long FFA Banquest at Centre this evening. The reason it was so long is because our Centre FFA is so stinking good at what they do! The list of accomplishments these students achieved this year is nothing short of amazing. Congratulations to all of our members and our sponsors Jon Meier and Emma Jacobson on leading our students on such an outstanding year of accomplishments. Cougar proud of you all!!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and here at Centre, we have some of the best in the business. I've never been around a more caring and giving group of educators who truly have the best interests of our students at the forefront. Thank you Centre teachers for all you do for our students, You are appreciated!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Here are the events for this week
9 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Good Morning again. We've had several inquiries about this afternoon's predicted weather event and if Centre is considering letting out early to get our students and staff home safely before the storm moves in. We are monitoring the weather very closely and I will let you know if there are any changes to our release time. I was just in contact with the National Weather Service in Wichita and their best estimate is the storm shouldn't reach us until after 5:00 PM. There will be NO practices or activities after school. I will send an update in the event the timeline changes. Thank you
9 months ago, Larry Geist
We want to congratulate one of our Centre FFA members and their many successes this spring within his SAE. Santiago Knepp has his own cattle that he has been raising and has recently achieved some major honors and awards from taking his heifer to many different shows this spring. His heifer he has been raising recently was named the Supreme breeding heifer at the 3 different shows, was named Reserved Supreme at another show, and was named 3rd overall at another show. Santiago works with his brother in his SAE and puts many hours into his project! We want to congratulate him on his many accomplishments!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Good morning, Because of the chance of severe weather forecast for our area tonight, the Centre Junior Senior High School music concert scheduled for tonight has been moved to next Thursday, May 16th at 7:00 PM. Please stay safe. Thank you and have a great day.
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Shout out to Centre Senior Jenaya Plett who has earned a spot on the Emporia State University Cheer Squad. Jenay tried out earlier in the week and was informed she made the squad. Jenaya is coached by Katelyn Hageman, Centre Cheer Coach. Congratulations Jenaya. Proud of your accomplishment,'
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Centre Grades 3-5 Art Show this evening was well attended. Students displayed their amazing art talents. The students are under the direction of Pat Wicks and Jessica Gilbert. Terrific show tonight 3-5 students!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Tonight is the annual Artful Eye Show featuring a year's worth of art projects created by students in Grades 3-5. Students should dress in clothes suitable to a performance event. They should arrive by 6:30pm. Viewing of the art show is from 6:30-7:00pm; a silent auction will also be held during this time where the 4th grade will auction a Medieval castle, complete with furnishings, that was collectively created by the class. Proceeds from the auction will be used by this class for special art projects when they return next fall for 5th grade. At 7pm a brief program celebrates each student's artistic talent, and awards are announced for each grade, along with Artist of the Year. A reception follows the program. It's a creative and fun event where all are welcome.
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Photo overload of Cougar Cubs Day Care spreading some May Day Joy at Centre!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Check out this amazing opportunity!! SUNFLOWER SUMMER IS; A program from Kansas Tourism that offers Kansas families free admission to attractions across the state, throughout the summer MAY 25 – AUGUST 11, 2024 SUNFLOWER SUMMER IS AN OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL KANSAS FAMILIES INCLUDING NEW AND CURRENT MILITARY FAMILIES. KANSAS FAMILIES WILL HAVE A CHANCE TO TAKE THEIR CHILDREN TO 220 KANSAS ATTACTIONS, ONE TIME, FOR EACH ATTRACTION AND THE ENTIRE FAMILY GETS IN FREE. ALL KANSAS STUDENTS (INCLUDING PUBLIC, PRIVATE, HOMESCHOOLED STUDENTS) PRE-K THROUGH 12TH GRADE ARE INCLUDED IN THE SUNFLOWER SUMMER PROGRAM Sunflower Summer offers Kansas families a get out of the house free card you can carry in your pocket. A chance to have free rein (and free admission) visiting museums, zoos, historical attractions and nature centers. An app for free family fun! FOR DETAILS; And SEE YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Kansas Families: Get Started in 3 Easy Steps Step 01: Download the Sunflower Summer apple Step 02: Create an account Step 03: Visit Kansas attractions this summer for free
9 months ago, Larry Geist
CENTRE FFA STATE CDE RESULTS. Great Job!! Our members have been competing at State CDE’s in Manhattan the last three days. Members have put in a ton of time and effort to prepare and we took a total of 5 teams to compete this year! Results were as followed: Nursery Landscape: 3rd Place Team Overall!!! Karsen Kroupa: 5th Place Individual Emilee Remmers: 10th Place Individual Allie Stuchlik: Silver Individual Leah Brunner: Silver Individual Entomology: 9th Place Team Overall!!! Karsen Kroupa: 8th Place Individual Hayley Whiteley: Silver Individual Addison Bina: Silver Individual Allie Stuchlik: Silver Individual Floriculture: Silver Team Allie Stuchlik: Silver Individual Emilee Remmers: Silver Individual Addison Bina: Bronze Individual Vet Science: Silver Team Leah Brunner: Gold Individual Addison Bina: Bronze Individual Jenna Bittle Lily Hauck Food Science: Silver Team Isabel Rziha: Gold Individual Jimena Sanchez Gomez: Silver Individual Olivia Carlson: Silver Individual Jenaya Plett All members represented our chapter and school very well and we couldn’t be prouder! Way to go Cougars!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Enrollment is now open with the Kansas Online Learning Program for the 2024-25 school year! You can visit our website at to find the enrollment packet to fill out online. You can always call us any time, day, or evening, and we will happily talk to you about everything we offer. 888-870-0801 Visit our website at and enroll today!
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Reminder: JH and HS music students will have after-school practice this Friday.
9 months ago, Melissa Barton
Parents of students in Grades 3-5 should have received their invitation to the May 3 Artful Eye Show--invitations were sent home with your students last week. The show is held in the small gymnasium at Centre School this Friday evening. Relatives of the students are encouraged to attend, along with parents. This event is free. Viewing the art work begins at 6:30pm, followed by a brief program at 7pm, when the awards are announced. A reception of punch and cookies concludes the evening.
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Good evening. This is just a reminder that Centre will have an early release day tomorrow so teachers can attend professional development. Students will be released, and buses will run at 12:45 tomorrow, Wednesday May 1st. Thank you and have a great evening.
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Please help me in thanking Mr. Vinduska for his quick response today when a student at Centre was choking on food during lunch. Mr. Vinduska immediately began the Heimlich Maneuver on the student and applied it several times until the food was dislodged and the student was able to breath on their own again. The student was taken to the hospital to be checked out and was released to go home. Great job Mr. Vinduska very proud of you.
9 months ago, Larry Geist
The annual spring plant sale is this upcoming Saturday, May 4th from 9:00-12:00. The Horticulture class will be selling geraniums, marigolds, zinnias, coleus, tomatoes, peppers, basil, and gooseberries this year. One of the Horticulture students will also be selling a variety of succulents and houseplants from her entrepreneurship SAE.
9 months ago, Larry Geist
Plant Sale