Here are the results from the HS Volleyball Tournament at Herington. Lady Cougars place Fourth!
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Shout out to the Centre High School Football team on continuing to play hard even when falling behind in the game. Also, to our pep band that plays throughout the game and even plays after the game is over to entertain our fans. Our cheerleaders continue to raise the spirits of our fans and team throughout the game as well. Thank you, Cougar students and sponsors, for being a class act.
4 months ago, Larry Geist
Good morning everyone! FFA Fruit and Meat Sales start today! Please be looking for some FFA members to be coming around selling a variety of products! The sale will cover the cost off our members FFA Jackets and Dues, as well as assists in covering the cost of the different activities we do throughout the year. The sale will end on Friday October 11th. If you have any questions please reach out to Mr. Meyer or Mrs. Jacobson. Thank you all for your continued support!
4 months ago, Larry Geist
Reminder that homecoming ceremonies will take place at 6:30PM before the football game vs Burlingame tomorrow.
4 months ago, Kelly Steiner
Lady Cougars go 2-0 at the Goessel HS Volleyball Mod Quad!
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Mod Quad
Mod Quad
Special BOE Meeting, September 30, 2024 6:30 P.M.-Herington Elementary Flex Lab
4 months ago, Marianne Kohman
Special BOE Meeting, September 30, 2024 6:30 P.M.-Herington Elementary Flex Lab
A free screening is available each month in Marion County to screen vision, hearing, speech, and development skills. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
4 months ago, Melissa Barton
Free Developmental Screening Flyer
Hello Everyone! Come to Peabody on October 5th for a fun family FALL FEST! We will have prizes for kids and corn sensory play! Hope to see you there!
4 months ago, Melissa Barton
Peabody Fall Fest Flyer
Lunch Account Info
4 months ago, Melissa Barton
Lunch Accounts
Here are the events this week!
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Results from yesterday's HS volleyball tournament.
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Final score from this evening.
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Here are Thursday's contest results! Photos: Olivia Carlson Design: Bentley Scantlin
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Congratulations to the Centre JH Men's Cross Country Team for capturing 1st place at the Herington Invitational yesterday. Individual results were as follows: Aaron Carlson 4th, Luke Idleman 5th, Willie Meyer 7th, Clayton Kraemer 9th, Lucas Klapper 12th, and Jason Leach 13th. Great job guys. Super proud of your accomplishment!! The team is coached by Camrin Wleczyk
4 months ago, Larry Geist
Good Afternoon, All PreK-12th grade students are invited to take part in HATS OFF TO HOMECOMING, which is being held tomorrow (Friday, September 20). Students can donate $1.00 to have the privilege of wearing a hat for the day. Students will receive a Candyland Homecoming Bracelet to show they have donated and have staff permission. All donations will be given to the Jason Foundation, a youth suicide prevention organization. Hats Off is sponsored by CHS STUCO.
4 months ago, Trevor Siebert
I couldn't be prouder of the Centre High School FFA and their sponsors Jon Meyer and Emma Jacobson who hosted the Greenhand Conference today. There were 46 FFA clubs and over 750 students that attended and all we heard was how great it was. We are extremely proud of our club and the way they represented Centre today. Pictured is Centre Senior Katie Bina, South Central District President, who kicked off the conference this morning. Cougar Proud of you all and everyone who helped make today a great success!
4 months ago, Larry Geist
Here are some score updates from high school volleyball action tonight and junior high volleyball last night. Pictures: Olivia Carlson Design: Bentley Scantlin
4 months ago, Timothy Vinduska
Good Evening, This is a reminder there will be no school at Centre, tomorrow September 18th, due to the Centre F F A hosting the Greenhand Conference. School will resume at the regular time Thursday. Thank you and have a great evening.
4 months ago, Larry Geist
Happy IT Professionals Day to Melissa Barton and Carissa Smith from everyone at Centre who depends on you! Thanks for all you do!
4 months ago, Larry Geist
Reminder that the Josten's rep will be at Centre Tuesday, September 17th, to talk to Sophomores about class rings and to talk to the seniors about cap and gowns.
4 months ago, Larry Geist