Good luck to our athletes tomorrow!
The Jr. High awards night and 8th grade promotion at Centre will begin at 7:00 tonight. Please have students arrive early to get seated in their reserved spots. Cookies and punch will be served after the awards are handed out.
Below is a link to the 2022 graduation ceremony.
Because of wet track conditions today, Record Breaking Day has been moved to Monday, May 16th at 12:30. Field Day will go on as planned today starting at 1:00 .
The High School Wheat State League Track meet is today in Goessel. It begins at 3:00 PM. The cost to get into the track meet is $2.00 per adult and $1.00 per student.
Centre School will have an early release tomorrow, Wednesday, May 11th. Students will be released at 1:00 PM. This is a scheduled early release due to staff development.
The Board of Education approved moving the last day of school up to the 17th instead of the 19th next week. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 on Tuesday, May 17th instead of the 19th.
Reminder of events for this week:
Tuesday: FFA Banquet 6:30, JH League track at Herington 12:00
Wednesday: Awards Night 6:30
Thursday: HS League track at Goessel 3:00
Friday: Senior breakfast 8:30, Elementary field day 1:00, Record breaking day 12:30
Sunday: Graduation 2:00
Physicals will be done tomorrow at school starting at 8. Please make sure to bring your paperwork and money if you would like to get your physical done at school tomorrow.
This is a reminder that sports physicals are tomorrow, May 10th. Please make sure that all paperwork is complete ahead of time. The cost is $10.00 and checks should be made out to Centre High School. We will do our best to get all jr. high students through the physical process before they leave for their track meet, but there are no guarantees.
Parents & Family of current 8-11th graders,
Join us via Livestream on Monday, May 9th at 6:00pm for details about this once-in-a-lifetime adventure to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg and Mount Vernon during the summer of 2023.
Your student will bring home an RSVP slip today. You can either have your student return the slip, or click here to RSVP digitally:
To join the meeting, click this link:
Karen Nickel, Tye Remy, Timothy Vinduska, and Amy Harms
Reminder about the Spring Activities and Academic Awards Night to be held on May 11 at 6:30 PM.
Reminding Centre parents, Grades 3-5, of the art show tomorrow night, in the small gymnasium. The show opens for viewing at 6:30, and a brief program and awards at 7pm. Be sure to bring the ticket that was in your invitation for the prize drawing. Students may dress in regular school attire. All Aboard for the Artful Eye Show featuring your talented children.
The HS Track Meet at Herington has been rescheduled to Friday, May 5 at 3:30 PM due to incoming weather.
Hillsboro Healthcare Clinic will be conducting physicals next Tuesday at Centre. Physical Forms will be sent home with students today! Here is the information letter.
Just a reminder that the Centre P-12 music concert is tomorrow (Wednesday) at 2:00 PM. The concert will be recorded and put on our web site for those that can't make it.
Arrive early to get your spot in the promenade line East of the Community
Photos will be taken on the church side of the street.
Just as in previous years, student vehicles need to be at the school with a change of clothes, as transportation will be chaperoned from prom to the school for after-prom festivities.
Dear Parents of current 8-11th graders,
We are very excited to announce that we will be leading a group of students and parents on an educational tour to Washington, D.C., Gettysburg and Mt. Vernon on July 15-18, 2023.
Join us on: Monday, May 9th - 6:00pm via Livestream for a short informational meeting where each traveler will be eligible for an Early Bird Scholarship of $300!
To RSVP, click here:
To join the meeting, simply click this link:
Check out this awesome video and see for yourself why we're so excited about this opportunity, and click here for additional information on the meeting, itinerary, scholarship and more!
For any other questions, feel free to email us at:,,, or
Here are the Events for this Week. Reminder that NEXT WEEK (May 9th @ 4:30) is our track meet at Marion.
Because of the threat of severe weather in the area tonight, we have decided to postpone the music concert for tonight. The concert will be rescheduled for next Wednesday, May 4th at 2:00 PM. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause in having the concert during the day, but we want our students to have the opportunity to perform. Thank you and please stay safe.