Game, set, match!! Cougars win game two 25-17!

Centre MS Cougars won the first “set” 25-9!

Juniors and Seniors. If you are taking the ACT on October 15th, please take a look at the following link. It has information about what to expect and access to practice test materials.

A representative from the Air Force will be at CHS on Friday to talk with students. Be looking for him during lunch!

Morgan, an Admissions Counselor from Hesston College will be at CHS during lunch and CC today!

Our students and staff learned about our new 3D printers today.

Preschoolers sharing with the residents at Legacy in Herington.

Friday Night Light's tailgate! Cougars vs Jaguars! 6:15 pm tailgate will start, with the football game to start at 7:00 pm! Meal deal includes burger or brat, bean or pasta salad, chips, drink, and dessert!! Come out and support After Prom! #GREATDAY2BEACOUGAR!

Over the next few days parents should be receiving a personal letter from their son or daughter informing them on what they have been learning at school, goals for the school year, and something heartfelt! We also learned how to address a letter! Have a Happy Tuesday!

Attending the KAMSA Conference today, keynote speaker Gerry Brooks!

Cougar Flag Football!

Cougar Flag Football taking place this morning!

Good luck to the Cougar Volleyball team today at the Marion Spikefest tournament!!

Final score from Cantan-Galva, 48-0 Eagles over the Cougars...🙁

5th graders worked hard testing a hypothesis in science. They had to make an educated guess on what side of a penny will hold more water and then test to see if they were correct. The lab included data collection and graphing, too!

Kindergarten Class - "Showing My Pet Day" Pictures & Live

So proud of all three CC girls tonight! Clara Noeth got 2nd place with a time of 15:02!!! Mariah Brasch got 10th place with a time of 18:07!!! Michelle Brasch got 12th place with a time of 20:30!!!

Garden Help!

When some of the 6th grade non-sports students volunteer to help in the school garden...THAT is what synergy is all about! So proud of their efforts to help Mrs. Klenda today! :)

Second grade is in the building process of their STEM Project.