Girls down to Chase County 16-46 at the end of the 3rd
A study continued.... in grade 5.
A study in capturing images. A study in concentration.
A study in capturing images. A study in concentration.
3rd graders sketching a friend in Art today!
We are full of Christmas spirit here at Centre
Congratulations to Dillon Knepp on being the Masonic Lodge Florence Essay winner! Don’t spend your winnings all in one place!!
PreK-6 listening to Trooper Ben and Buster the Bus about school bus safety!
The Cougar B team picks up win #4 tonight vs Wakefield 22-16! #4-0
Tune in to CBS Sports tonight to watch Centre Alumni, Tanner Brunner (2011), in the 1st Round of the NFR, starting at 9 PM central time! He is contestant #106! #COUGAR4LIFE
Bus safety with @TrooperBenKHP and Buster the Bus!!
A Brain Break stop! Looking good Quiz Bowl team.
When you are pretty sure someone should know the answer..... Quiz Bowl at Tescott
HS BB at Bennington: Games will start at 6:00pm with Girls Varsity, Boys JV. The Girls JV will follow the Girls Varsity and the Boys Varsity game will be at 7:30 PM. JV Games are in the west gym and V Games will be in the east gym.
Elementary Cougar Connection Time!
Elementary Cougar Connection Time!
Poems and Pie with the Kindergarteners!
Chet Kuplan from Sports in Kansas speaking to Centre 6-12th grade students about the Power of Social Media!
Centre's Community Christmas Connection: Calling all grandparents and senior citizens of the Centre Community! Please join us for a a Christmas Dinner and enjoy a short program! Please RSVP to Terri Bina in the office @785-983-432. Please share!
Cougars Win!!!!!!!!!’ 29-26!!!!!! Cougars win, Cougars Win!!!