Centre school will have an early release day on Wednesday, January 6th. Classes will dismiss at 1:00 PM. This is a scheduled early release for staff development.
Basketball practices for JH and HS will be starting on Monday. Please make sure to bring any equipment that will be needed.
The Centre Administration would like to remind parents/guardians that Preschool through 12th-grade classes resume Monday, January 4th in the building. If there are any changes to this plan, the district will provide further communication.
Greetings, Students, Parents, and Centre Staff:
Thank you for your continued support of our students, our staff, and our school community during this fall semester. We hope this message finds you doing well, and we wanted to take a moment to reiterate our collective “Thank You!” for everything you have done, are doing, and will continue to do to help our students and our school.
Before we begin the upcoming Holiday Break, we wanted to take a moment to share the following information and reminders:
● Colder weather, more time inside, and the onset of cold and flu season are upon us. The CDC has provided this guidance for winter holidays, which include continuing to practice social distancing (at least 6 feet), frequent handwashing, avoiding large gatherings, and wearing a mask.
● If you or your family members do not feel well at any time over the break, we have included this graphic that shares which symptoms are most commonly associated with the cold, the flu, and COVID-19.
● If anyone you know is interested in serving as a substitute teacher in our school during the spring semester, please review and/or share the information provided in this link to review the qualifying criteria provided by the Kansas State Department of Education. If you have any questions, please let me know.
We will miss seeing and working with our students during this upcoming break. Stay warm, stay safe, and please know how much we appreciate everything that you are doing to focus on the health and success of our students, staff members, and community!
Susan Beeson
Superintendent/PreK- Principal
Centre USD 397
The Centre BOE will hold a special board meeting tonight, December 4th, 2020.
The agenda and Zoom link are below.
Topic: Special Board Meeting - December 4th, 2020
Time: Dec 4, 2020 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 747 1063 9316
Passcode: 4XQVnU
December 2020 Food Service Menu
Please complete the following form for children in your household to receive breakfast and lunch provided by the school district. Any child age 1-18 may receive meals, free of charge, to be picked up in your community or delivered to rural addresses within school district boundaries. The daily meal delivery will include lunch for the day and breakfast for the following day. The Food Service will be provided Monday, December 7, 2020, thru Friday, December 18th, 2020.
Good evening Centre Parents and Students:
The USD 397 Board of Education met in a special board meeting this evening to discuss recent Covid-19 positive cases and possible exposure impacting Centre School. To ensure the well-being of all students and staff, the board voted to move PreK-5 classes to remote learning beginning Monday, December 7th thru December 18th. There will be no school Thursday and Friday, December 3rd and 4th for grades PreK-5. Students in grades 6-12 will continue to remote into their classes as scheduled. Additional information will come from your student's teacher detailing the remote learning process.
Based on what we know today, the plan is for students in all grades, PreK-12, to return to the school facility to receive in-person instruction on Monday, January 4th, 2021. Any changes to this plan will be communicated before January 4th.
Please contact Susan Beeson, PreK-5 Principal, at email address: sbeeson@usd397 or 6-12 Principal, Trevor Siebert at email address tsiebert@usd397.com for additional assistance.
Thank you.
Susan Beeson
The Centre BOE will hold a special board meeting tonight, December 2nd, 2020.
The agenda and Zoom link are posted below.
Topic: Special Board Meeting - 12/02/2020
Time: Dec 2, 2020 05:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
The Centre BOE will hold a special board meeting on December 4th, 2020, at 5:30. The agenda is posted below, and the Zoom link will be posted Friday.
The Centre BOE met tonight and voted 7-0 for students grades 6-12 to continue remote learning for the remainder of this week.
Have a great evening.
Centre School will have an early release day on Wednesday, December 2nd. School will let out at 1:00 PM. This is a scheduled staff development day.
Reminder! If interested in any Centre Basketball or regular Centre gear please place your order by November 30th! There is no required gear! The store closes in three days so grab your gear now!
Reminder: USD 397 Board of education would like to remind you to participate in part of the superintendent search process conducted by KASB at the community building on November 23 at 5:30 p.m.
The Marion County Health Department is requesting your participation in the survey listed to inform us in county planning for a COVID-19 vaccine when one becomes available and to understand the factors that will influence your decision in obtaining a vaccine or not.
Completing this survey is voluntary and will take approximate 5 to 10 minutes. No identifiable information will be collected about you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Elizabeth Ablah, PhD, MPH at eablah@kumc.edu For questions about the rights of research participants, you may contact the KUMC Institutional Review Board (IRB) at 913-588-1240.
Please respond to the attached survey for Paw Prints.
The Winter Team Shop is open for basketball and regular Centre Cougar gear. The shop will close on November 30th. Basketball players are not required to get any gear. These are only options for regular wear. Lots of great options are available to order!
Special Board Meeting Notice
Centre's Junior High and High School students orr parents who are not currently in quarantine, can come up to the school at any time today to pick up supplies, homework, books, and instruments for the next couple weeks. Teachers and staff have worked hard this morning to gather up everything that we think that your student will need in the next couple weeks of remote learning. Please either call when you drive up to the school or ring the doorbell, and we will be glad to bring the supplies to you. Students who are not currently in quarantine will be allowed to come into the building and clean out their gym lockers if they have one.
If your student at Centre is learning remotely, they are still eligible for free breakfast and lunch. They will sign up remotely with their first hour class as they remote in for the day. We are unable to deliver meals at this time, as our school waiver does not provide for that service. Meals can be picked up curbside at 11:45 each morning. We ask that if you do sign up, please make sure to pick up the meals so that food does not go to waste.