November 8, 2021 BOE Meeting-6:00 P.M-Band room
about 3 years ago, Marianne Kohman
November 8, 2021 BOE Meeting-6:00 P.M-Band room
November 8, 2021 BOE Meeting-6:00 P.M-Band room
Centre USD 397 will have an early dismissal on Wednesday, November 3rd. Students will be released at 1:00 PM. This is for a scheduled staff development.
about 3 years ago, Terri Bina
Here are the plans to show our Cougar Pride for Thursday and Friday for the HS Volleyball Team on the way to State!
about 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Cougar Pride
Here are the schedules for Friday for State Volleyball at Emporia! Good Luck Girls!
about 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Sports Schedule for this week
Congratulations to the Centre High School Girl's Volleyball team on winning Subs-State and advancing on to the State Volleyball Tournament in Emporia next Friday and Saturday. Outstanding effort players and coaches!! Cougar Proud!!
about 3 years ago, Larry Geist
The last HS Football Game will be on October 26, 2021 at 5:30 PM in Sylvan Grove. We will be playing against Golden Plains.
about 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Last HS Football Game of the Season
Because of an increase increase in the number of positive Covid Tess we have experienced in the last several days Marion county health department is recommending that everyone start to wear masks while at school. Beginning tomorrow we are strongly encouraging all students and staff to wear a mask while at school for the next two weeks to see if we can decrease the number of positive Covid cases can USD 397. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation
about 3 years ago, Melissa Barton
Because of an uptick in positive COVID cases in our school, we have cancelled the field trip to the pumpkin patch for elementary students tomorrow. If your child signed up for a school sack lunch, they will still get the sack lunch. If they were bringing a lunch from home, please send it along for them to eat.
about 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Congrats to the Centre Lady Cougars who placed 4th at the Wheat State League Tourney last Saturday and placed 3rd overall in the league during the regular season with a record of 6-3! Way to Go!
over 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Centre School District is looking for bus drivers and teacher aides. Bus drivers are paid $20/hour per route. Teacher aides starting pay is $12/hour. Applications are available at USD #397 is an equal opportunity employer.
over 3 years ago, Melissa Barton
Centre USD #397 is taking applications for an assistant high school girls basketball coach for the upcoming season. Interested applicants can contact Mr. Siebert at 785-983-4321. USD #397 is an equal opportunity employer.
over 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Centre USD 397 will have an early release on Friday, October 15th. Students will be released at 2:00 PM. This is the end of the first 9 weeks.
over 3 years ago, Terri Bina
Here are the events for this week! Remember HS VB, CC, and Girls Golf parents night will be between the Varsity and JV games tomorrow! Come to the League Volleyball Tournament on Saturday!
over 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
High School Volleyball and JH/HS Cross Country Parent's Night will be held on Monday, October 11th. The ceremony will be in the main gym after the 5:00 Varsity volleyball matches against Solomon. Varsity will play at 5:00.
over 3 years ago, Terri Bina
Just a reminder that tomorrow is an early release day for Centre USD 397. Students will be dismissed at 1:00 PM.
over 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Great job today Micah Carlson placing 5th at the Ellsworth JH Cross Country meet on an extremely hard course.
over 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Outstanding HS VB this evening with our JV playing hard and coming up short against Gossell 16-25 and 23-25 followed by splitting with Elyria 25-12 and 24-26. The varsity girls played hard against Gossell losing the first game 18-25 before coming back from being 13-21 behind and rallying to win 31-29. The Lady Cougars finished off the team from Gossell in the final match winning 25*22. In the varsity match against Elyria, the ladies lost the first game 24-26 and the second game 18-25. Next action for the CHS VB team will be this Saturday when they host a quad.
over 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Here are the events this week. Come out and support the Cougars at home this week!
over 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Come tonight to see the Centre Cougars take on the Burton Chargers at our first home 6 man game at 7:00 PM. The Homecoming ceremony will be at 6:30 PM. Parents night will take place at half time. There will be a tailgate with Hillsboro Sausage. Fans may also park back by the football field. Go Cougars!
over 3 years ago, Terri Bina
This is a reminder that Centre School will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday,September 29th. School will resume on Thursday, September 30th. School pictures will be on Thursday, September 30th at 8:20 AM.
over 3 years ago, Terri Bina