Centre Unified School District 397 will dismiss early on Wednesday, February 2nd. Classes will dismiss at 1:00 pm. This is a scheduled early release for staff development.
almost 3 years ago, Terri Bina
There will be NO JV games tonight. Varsity Girls will start at 6:00 PM and Varsity Boys will start at 7:30 PM. Hope to see everyone here!
almost 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Congratulations to the Centre Spelling Bee participants on their outstanding job today. The students moving on to the Marion County Spelling Bee February 16th in Marion are: Elementary winners Aaron Carlson, Kaitlyn Kidd and alternate is Kathrine Rziha. JH winners were Anna Godinez Vinduska and Kole Kroupa with Judah Richard as an alternate. Good luck at the County Bee and we are proud of all of the contestants.
almost 3 years ago, Larry Geist
GAME ADDED: The HS Girls will play against Wakefield on Friday at 6:00 PM followed by 1/2 JV. The HS Boys will still play at 7:30 PM against Peabody-Burns.
almost 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Centre parents and guardians, please check your email for additional information on new COVID testing guidelines.
almost 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Here are the events for the week! Games are subject to change.
almost 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Good afternoon. This is Larry Geist, Superintendent of Centre Schools with an important announcement. Due to an increase in positive COVID tests impacting our faculty and staff, the board of education approved the dismissal of school for the remainder of this week during a special meeting this afternoon. Students and staff will not be attending school until Monday, January 24th. Because of the number of students impacted by COVID we have also canceled the Cougar Classic scheduled to begin tonight. All Centre High School Games have been canceled but other schools may decide to still play their games. We will not be playing the Junior High basketball game scheduled for this Thursday as well. Please take every precaution to help us mitigate this rapid spread. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
almost 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Tomorrow's Games for the Centre Boys and Girls Centre Boys vs Herington Boys at 6:00 PM Centre Girls vs Elyria Girls at 7:30 PM Both games will be in the Main Gym.
almost 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Please check your email for important information regarding COVID testing.
almost 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Good evening. This is the Centre school office. Due to a few positive covid cases, we are asking that the following elementary classes wear masks beginning tomorrow. We would like for this practice to continue for the next ten days. Classes affected are: first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. Thank you for working with us to keep kids safe and to keep them in school. We appreciate your efforts.
about 3 years ago, Terri Bina
It is time to pay for the 2nd semester milk card for grades Pre-K thru 4th. If you would like for your child to have milk at the milk break for the 2nd semester, please send $35.00 for your child's milk card. This covers all of the milk breaks for the 2nd semester. Please have payment sent in to the school office by January 20th. Thank You!
about 3 years ago, Terri Bina
Here are the events for this week! A busy week coming up! Looking forward to rooting on our Cougars!
about 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Calling all CENTRE FANS, Centre Cheer wants to see you BLACK OUT THE STANDS! Why? Just a fun way to show off our AWESOME school spirit and put a fun twist on rooting on our teams! We know it is awfully cold, but let's fill those stands tomorrow night! ** No face or body paint will be allowed! **
about 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska
Pep Night!
No school today. All activities will be cancelled as well. Stay safe and warm.
about 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Instead of the two-hour delay previously stated, USD 397 will not have school today because of getting more snow than forecast. Once again, no school today at Centre and all activities will be canceled for today as well.
about 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Two-hour delay tomorrow morning. Classes start at 10:15.
about 3 years ago, Larry Geist
Please check you school email for information about tomorrow. I haven't made a decision yet but I explained my process in the email. Thanks and staff warm!
about 3 years ago, Larry Geist
The regularly scheduled board meeting will be held on January 12th, 2022, at 5:00 pm in the band room. *agenda below
about 3 years ago, Melissa Barton
01/12/2022 Board Meeting Agenda
There will be a special board meeting on January 12th, 2022, at 6:00 pm. The agenda is posted below.
about 3 years ago, Melissa Barton
1/12/22 Special Board Meeting Agenda
Events for this Week! Welcome Back Everyone!
about 3 years ago, Timothy Vinduska