Randy Carlson has offered to teach private swim lessons if parents are interested. You can sign up with the site below. These lessons are not affiliated with Centre USD #397 but we are offering you the information.
Today FFA members traveled to McPherson to compete in our District Vet Science CDE. Members identified 50 breeds of animals, veterinary tools, and common parasites. They also completed a calculations practicum, exam over animal science, and a clinical procedures, handling/restraining practicum. The following members competed:
Senior Division: 6th Place Team Overall!
Leah Brunner - 2nd place overall individual!
Jorja Peterson
Jenna Bittle
Jenaya Plett
Kaitlynn Bina
Greenhand Division:
Addison Bina - 3rd place overall individual!
Way to go Cougars!!
April 3, 2023 BOE Agenda
!!!Fort Scott Aggie Day Results!!!
On Friday our FFA members had traveled to participate in the Fort Scott Aggie Days event. Our members competed in Entomology, Floriculture, Food Science, Milk Quality, Vet Science, Creed Speaking, Freshmen Speech, and Senior Speech. Our members competed and results were announced:
Entomology: 7th Place Team
Alex Snowden
Allie Stuchlik
Leah Brunner
Daniel Moenning
Dwayne Moenning
Lily Hauck
Leah Brunner
Allie Stuchlik
Payton Svitak
Food Science: 9th Place Team
Allie Stuchlik
Alex Snowden
Jenna Bittle
Jenaya Plett
Dwayne Moenning
Michelle Brasch
Milk Quality:
Michelle Brasch
Dwayne Moenning
Vet Science:
Leah Brunner
Jenna Bittle
Kaitlynn Bina
Jenaya Plett
Addison Bina
Creed Speaking:
Addison Bina: 1st Place Individual!
Freshmen Speech:
Addison Bina: 4th Place Individual!
Senior Speech:
Kaitlynn Bina: 3rd Place Individual!
All of these members represented our chapter very well and we couldn’t be prouder!!!
!!!SCD Agronomy and Floriculture Results!!!
Good morning everyone! Yesterday we had FFA Members travel to Ark City to compete in the District Agronomy and Floriculture CDEs. Members competing in the Floriculture had to ID 50 different flowers, take a 40 question exam over greenhouse production, horticulture industry, and floral design. They also had to complete two different practicums; one of them over retail floral production, and the second over greenhouse production.
Members that competed in the Agronomy CDE had to ID over 100 different crops and weeds, both as seeds and plants. They also had a lab practicum that covers a variety of topics in Plant and Soil Science. They also had 3 grain grading samples and 3 seed analysis samples they had to evaluate and ID. They then took an exam over different topics in Agronomy, as well as math calculations that would be used.
Our members competed and Results were announced:
Senior Floriculture Team: 5th Overall!
Anthony Potocnik
Julia Brunner
Karsen Kroupa
Leah Brunner: 7th Individually!
Emilee Remmers: 6th Individually!
Greenhand Agronomy Team:
Sam Foster
Spencer Hancock
Jonah Svitak
Lily Hauck
Owen Wingerd
Blaise Kitzmiller
Sydney Smith
Devin Felpel
Kaden Hutchison
Addison Bina: 10th Individually!
Senior Agronomy Team: 1st Overall!
Daniel Moenning
Dwayne Moenning
Bradley Alexander
Hayley Whiteley
Emilee Remmers: 5th Individually!
Allie Stuchlik: 3rd Individually!
Karsen Kroupa: 1st Individually!
These members represented the chapter well and had an amazing learning experience!
Way to go Cougars!
Centre Senior Brooklyn Smith has been awarded the prestigious Hagen Scholarship. The Hagen Scholarship provides $7500 a semester and is renewable for 8 semesters for a total of $60,000. Brooklyn plans on attending Kansas University in the Fall.
Congratulations Brooklyn! Cougar Proud!
We are handing out spring picture forms to all students today. Each student will get two forms. One is for the individual photos and one is for the class photo. Please check backpacks for forms.
PICTURE DAY HAS MOVED FROM TUESDAY, MARCH 28th to MONDAY, MARCH 27th. This was done to accommodate the state testing that a good portion of the students will be participating in.
Payment needs to be turned in with the forms unless you wish to order online.
All seniors will be required to get their photo taken regardless of whether they purchase a picture packet or not. We need to have their digital photo on hand for our class composite photos and a backup photo for the yearbook.
Don't forget about tomorrow's JH/Sr high school music concert at 7:00 PM in the main gym. The students did really well at yesterday's league music contest and are excited to show off their talents. Band students should be at the school at 6:30 to tune their instruments and the choir students should be at the school at 6:45.
Mr. Vinduska's Government classes have been able to take some awesome field trips this year to better understand government. In November, students went to the Kansas State Capitol. Last week, students went to the Brown v Board of Education National Historic Site. Mr. Raymer was also able to join in on last week's trip as well. Our government classes appreciated this opportunity to truly see how government plays a big role in Kansas.
Today we will have track practice for those athletes interested in track. We will also be having golf practice today as well! Good Luck to these spring sport athletes as they practice.
In my 40+ years in education, I have rarely felt the need to ask patrons of the school district to contact their legislators as much as I do now. The Kansas Legislature is considering Governor Kelly's budget proposal to follow Kansas Law and fully fund Special Education. Kansas law requires the state to provide 92% of the extra costs of special education, but the Legislature hasn’t met the requirement since 2011. Currently school districts in Kansas receive around 70%. At USD #397, we belong to the Marion County Special Education Coop. Individual districts fund the Coop based on their enrollment. Centre's assessment includes our Kansas Online Learning Program students as well as our students on campus. This year's assessment was $554,065. The Coop projects that each district's assessments need to increase by 15% each of the next four years! That assessment is projected to raise to 961,013.14 at the end of those four years if the State continues to ignore their own law for the next four years. Some of you may be thinking this doesn't impact you because you don't have a child in special education. However, that is incorrect since whatever the State doesn't fund, we have to take out of the district General Fund which impacts every student in our district. To give you an idea of what it will take the State to get to the goal of 92%, the Democratic governor’s proposed budget would add $72.4 million for special education funding every year for the next five years to meet the statutory requirement. I am asking everyone to please contact our state legislators to encourage them to support the Governor's proposal budget and fund special education at the 92% its own law requires. Our representative in the Senate is Richard Wilborn and his email address is: richard.wilborn@senate.ks.gov. Our Representative is John Barker, and his email address is: john.barker@house.ks.gov. It only takes a few minutes to send an email to our legislators, so please help spread the word for our district. Thank you .
If your parents or guardians are a member of the TCT Cooperative, you can apply for a $1000 Board Scholarship! The deadline is tomorrow!!! Go to https://tctelco.net/scholarships/.
The FFA work auction that was scheduled for Tuesday, March 7 has been rescheduled for a later date. When a date is confirmed, we will get the information out to everyone.
March 6, 2023 Agenda
Super proud of the Centre FFA Chapter and their sponsors Jon Meyer and Emma Jacobson!
Good afternoon, everyone,
Centre FFA members have been rather busy lately filling out District Level Proficiency Applications, State Star Apps, and preparing to run for district office. Members filling out Proficiency Apps had to log their hours and discuss all that they have learned while working in their SAE. They then took the time to log all of the information onto AET where they then created an application and answered questions related to their experience. Members running for the State Star Awards must do the same thing and must also go through a formal interview process about their SAE. We also had one member from our chapter that decided that they would like to serve the South-Central District as a District officer the next year. She filled out an application prepared a 2-minute speech about why she wants to be elected as a district officer and then interviewed for an officer position. By the end of the day yesterday our members received results:
Kaitlynn Bina ran for District Office and has been slated for President where she will give her Speech one more time to the delegates at district banquet and will be elected as the 23-24 South Central District President or Vice President!
Kyle Peterson submitted an application for State Star in Ag Placement. He then interviewed and was selected to represent the district at the State Level in May!
Then the following members submitted district level proficiencies where some applications will now go on to compete at the state level:
Beef Production Placement: Leah Brunner (1st Place: State Qualifying)
Forage Production: Payton Svitak (1st Place: State Qualifying)
Landscape Management: Jenna Bittle (1st Place: State Qualifying)
Diversified Crop Production: Karsen Kroupa (2nd Place)
Anthony Potocnik (3rd Place)
Vet Science: Emilee Remmers (2nd Place)
Also, we have started the beginning steps to submitting our National Chapter Application to the State Level here in May.
All of these members represented our chapter well and we couldn't be prouder of their hard work!!!
Way to go Cougars!
Reminder for junior parents: the government students will be taking their trip to Topeka tomorrow. This trip was rescheduled from a couple of weeks ago. They will return before the end of the school day.
That feeling you know when you are moving on to the Sub-State Semifinals!! The boys will play Central Christian at 7:30 PM at Burrton this Friday! SEE YOU THERE! Photo Credit: Olivia Carlson
The Kansas Office of Broadband Development (KOBD) wants you to share your thoughts on internet connectivity in your neighborhood. Help us build the future of the Internet in Kansas.
The KOBD recognizes the importance that digital connectivity plays in thriving and growing communities. We know we have areas that need improvement, along with success stories. We would like to hear from you and your neighbors regarding connectivity, access, and internet opportunities that exist when connecting all Kansans.
Join our team as we embark on an 8-region state listening tour! We want to hear your voices as we shape the State Digital Equity Plan and 5-year Strategic Broadband Action Plan.
We hope to hear from you about Internet access, availability, public access, inclusive design, adoption, speeds, safety, privacy, digital skills training, devices, and much more.
The Marion County Meeting is Thursday, February 23rd at the Peabody Township Library, 214 N. Walnut St. Peabody, KS from 6:30p-8p.
To sign up go to: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejmx7dey75d46866&oseq=&c=&ch=
Junior High Contest and Concert
Contest: Tuesday March 7, 2023 at Peabody-Burns
Students will probably need a packed lunch - will know more later.
Students need to dress in concert black and white clothes. Gentlemen should wear black slacks, a white button up shirt and dark shoes. Ladies may wear black slacks and a white blouse or a black and white dress with dark shoes as well. If you need help finding these clothes, do not hesitate to ask me. I purchased several shirts and pants last year, and we may have something that fits.
Students will also wear their black and white clothes for the concert we will have on Thursday March 9.
Concert: Thursday March 9, 2023
The concert will be held in the gym at 7pm. This concert is to showcase our students who participated in the contest. They will perform the same songs. As some of the students are performing solos for the first time in front of an audience, I am asking that each student have up to 2-3 guests.
Here is the schedule for the week of Sub-State Quarterfinals. Good Luck to both teams!