SCD Nursery Landscape & Land/Homesite CDE Results🌷
This past Wednesday, Centre FFA members traveled to Little River and competed in our district Nursery Landscape and Land & Homesite contests.
In Nursery Landscape, members identified 50 live plant samples, diagnosed pests, plant disorders, and weeds, and took a general knowledge exam over the Nursery Landscape industry. In Land and Homesite judging members evaluated 4 Land Pits and Homesite pits. They determined the soil textures, permeability, slope, erosion, soil depth, and surface runoff, overall land capability class or final evaluation. They determined the vegetative treatments, mechanical treatments, and any fertilizer or soil amendments.
The following members competed in the Senior Nursery Landscape division, placing 1st place team overall! 🥇
Daniel Moenning
Dwayne Moenning
Hayley Whiteley
Shae Marshall
Payton Svitak
Michelle Brasch
Kathrine Whitson
Sophia Luna
Paige Madron
Kaden Hutchinson
Devin Felpel
Addison Bina
Emilee Remmers (9th Place Individual)
Isabel Rziha (8th Place Individual)
Leah Brunner (3rd Place Individual)
Karsen Kroupa (1st Place Individual)🥇
The following students competing in the senior division 4th place homesite team, 4th place land team!🎖️
Devin Felpel
Jonah Svitak
Addison Bina (11th place individual homesite eval, 11th place land)
Blaise Kitzmiller (6th place individual homesite eval)
Karsen Kroupa (9th place individual homesite, 6th place land)
They ALL represented the chapter and school proudly. Way to go Cougars!
NHS members held a Freshmen Orientation to enlighten the underclassmen of the importance of maintaining a decent GPA and honorable reputation.
Permission slips went home today for the Pumpkin Patch and the date of the trip was left off the slip. The date for the trip will be October 17th. Please return the permission slip to your teacher as soon as possible. Thank you.
Here are the events this week!
Two of our classes have been invited to a program called Reality U . The program will take our students through real-life situations like buying a car, a home, or other issues that they may face as an adult. Melissa Brunner is on the lookout for Volunteers for Reality U at Herington Middle School on Wednesday, October 4th. Centre 8th and 10th-grade students will also be joining us. If you are interested in volunteering, please send me a PM or reach me via email at We will have two sessions available - 8th grade at 9:00 a.m. and 10th grade at 10:30 a.m. We will be done by noon. Please contact the Centre Office if you are able to help out. Thank you!!!
Here are some upcoming events from the Marion County Parents As Teachers.
Hello Everyone!
Even though the temperature doesn't say it's Fall, we are excited to celebrate the season! Please feel free to join us at the Marion Library lawn for a Pumpkin Storytime!
JH Parents: Mrs. McMichael will be starting a counseling group once a week with JH students that are interested. This will be a voluntary group and students do not have to participate. Some sensitive topics may be brought up and discussed. Please contact Mrs. McMichael if you have any questions or concerns.
Here is the schedule for Saturday's Herington Tournament.
Reminder: school will release at 12:40 today.
Centre USD #307 is currently accepting applications for responsible adults to work in our daycare possibly opening in early November. Applicants must pass a background check and complete 18 hours of online training as well as a First Aide/CPR class. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age. Applications can be found on the Centre website at or at the central office.
Centre USD #397 is an EOE.
Here are the events this week. There is a lot of events on Thursday! Parent's Night will start at 6:30. Parents please arrive by 6:15.
Reminder: tonight's football game at Altoona-Midway will start at 6:00.
Thanks to the Centre PTO for providing an outstanding opportunity for our students and their grandparents to eat breakfast together yesterday. It was a great turnout and thanks to our cooks, faculty, and staff, for making everything run smoothly and for IServe for getting everything set up.
Here are the events for this week! Note two changes: there is no HS JV football game and the HS Football game this Friday will start at 6:00 PM not 7:00 PM
The JV football scheduled for Monday, September 11, has been cancelled.
Homecoming is HERE! Community pep rally starts at 2:40 on the football field. Our Cougars take on Southern Coffey County. Kick-off is set for 7:00 p.m. Coronation will take place immediately following the game. After Prom (JH-HS PTO) is hosting a tailgate and 8th graders will provide concessions. Lots of fun tonight in Cougar Country!
Today is the last day to sign up for Grandparents Day breakfast next Monday, September 11th from 7:45-8:15 AM. PTO will purchase the breakfast for any grandparents wanting to attend. Please call the school today at 785-983-4321 today to make your reservation!
Agri Trails has announced two contests they are sponsoring. Check them out to see if you'[re interested.
September 11, 2023 BOE Agenda